Are Dogs in West Midlands Suffering in Silence?
Thousands of dog owners in West Midlands may be unable to identify tell-tale signs their dog is suffering from painful mobility issues, a study has found. The signs a dog could be struggling with mobility issues...2019-11-05 1273 0 -
Almost 50 Years Later, ‘Bihari’ Muslims Still Stranded in Bangladesh
The 1947 partition of India and the violent clashes that followed resulted in a Diaspora of people with different faiths and backgrounds. The independence of Bangladesh resulted in Urdu-speaking non-Bengali Muslims migrating from Bihar, Eastern India....2019-11-05 2214 0 -
Mo Bobat appointed ECB’s Performance Director
Image caption – ECB Performance Director, Mo Bobat (Getty Images) The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) announced that it has appointed Mo Bobat as Performance Director for Men’s Cricket. Bobat has been promoted from the role of Player Identification Lead and will...2019-11-05 1895 0 -
Brexit Indecision Damaging Small Businesses
Responding to the EU’s decision to grant a Brexit ‘Flextension’ until 31 January 2020, National Chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Mike Cherry said: “There will be a collective sigh of relief from small businesses that a no-deal Brexit in...2019-11-05 1257 0 -
21-year-old student Abrar Fahad found dead at Bangladesh University campus
Hundreds of students across Bangladesh are protesting after an undergraduate was beaten to death at one of the country’s most prestigious universities. Abrar Fahad, 21 was found dead in a dormitory, just days after he posted comments...2019-11-04 1887 0 -
Brexit Main Cause for Keeping Brits up at Night
Worrying about Brexit is the most common cause of sleeplessness across the UK, according to Twitter research. Analysis of over 30,000 insomnia-related tweets and posts by bed retailer Happy Beds found that uncertainty around Brexit has been causing Brits to...2019-11-04 1212 0 -
One in Four BAME Employees Experience Bullying Despite Most Employers Having Zero-Tolerance Policy
The 2019 Race at Work Report published by Business in the Community (BITC), The Prince’s Responsible Business Network, shows that many UK businesses are increasingly starting to measure and monitor some of key indicators that mark...2019-11-04 1404 0 -
Bradford Woman Wins Racial Harassment Employment Tribunal
A Bradford woman won an “unprecedented” employment tribunal against her manager for racial harassment. Sandeep Kaur, 38, was one of the two claimants in a case, at Leeds Employment Tribunal Court, which involved two defendants, her employer,...2019-11-04 1400 0 -
Enquiry Launched after Horrific Incident of Axe Gang Attacking Teenager in Indian Takeaway
Police are asking for anyone with information to come forwarded after a young man was threatened with a bladed article in public Officers were called to the scene when a three-man armed gang stormed inside an...2019-11-04 1359 0 -
Help improve NHS diabetes services for Asian communities
Help improve NHS diabetes services for Asian communities by taking the survey. It should only take up to 10 mins and there’s a prize draw of £100 Amazon vouchers. Click on the link below to complete...2019-11-01 2111 0