Q&A With Akshay Kumar How would you explain your equation with God? My equation with God like many is purely on a respectful and extremely humble level. I...


Q&A With Akshay Kumar

How would you explain your equation with God?

My equation with God like many is purely on a respectful and extremely humble level. I respect all decisions made under ‘Gods’ roof, I do not argue with ‘God’’, I only argue with some people that mistreat Gods’ creation and existence on this planet. For example: When did God ever say you had to pay to believe? After making this film, in all honesty I have changed my perception of how I worship God. For me ‘God’ is everywhere, why am I paying Lakhs for me and my family to fly to India’s most prestigious religious places in the hope God will acknowledge my love and devotion more. If God really is who I believe he is, then why am I paying to worship him when I can give that money to helpless children? I would feel 10 times closer to his heart than I would by spending the money on him, hopelessly! Remember, what does Mandir in Hindi really mean? ‘Man’ means inside, ‘Dir’ means heart, God is inside me always, my heart is where my temple is…

Please remember this is just my views, I’m not preaching, it’s just an example of the characteristics you will find in this beautiful comedy I call ‘OMG’.

Since you go to temples as well as Gurudwaras, besides visiting a mosque in Muscat recently, is it more about the faith than just the religion for you?

For me it is absolutely all about the faith rather than the religion. Remember I’m in love with ‘God’, not the people who speak for him. I purely respect them for their devoted nature. I visit all kinds of religious temples, churches, mosques, Gurudwaras, rocks, caves and cliffs all over the world in search of enlightenment, but really I’m just fascinated by our need to prove our devotion. For me, the best thing I love about all these places is, when I go to visit I do feel pure, pure because I know I’m safe, surrounded by people who have come to pray and not to fight. I get to sit down quietly and take in the faithful beauty around me, but my all time favourite place to pray, is at the bottom of my garden, sitting on my wall, looking out at God’s gracious sea, with my family sleeping peacefully behind me. That is when I feel God’s love and protection the most – that is when I feel I’m a good, happy devoted human being. The rest of my time I try to spend helping those less fortunate than myself, to make up for all the time I cannot devote to God’ himself…

Has there been any time/s or phase in life when you lost trust or came close to losing trust in God?

Never… Not even when my father died! My losing faith in God would be my weakness, not his… That is what I love so dearly about my country, even the saddest, most lonely starving person will feed his God before he feeds himself or herself. It’s not about what God gives us, who’s lucky, or who’s had it the hardest. In India, no-one gives up their Faith because of circumstance, and that, my friends, is what makes India so special. We put faith before ourselves, which is why we have the most loved country in the world. People’s hearts can never leave India only their bodies leave…

Have there been ‘Oh My God’ moments in your life? If yes, please explain some.

Many! Passing exams. Never having my nose broken when I took up karate. Completing seven Khiladi movies (about to be 8) with my life intact. Marrying the woman of my dreams ‘OMG’ ;o) Being a father when I still see myself trying to be the best son. Making a film on ‘man vs God, Oh My God I can see my father’s face now, he’d love it with all his heart. There are ‘OMG’ moments everyday in all of our lives – it’s whether you acknowledge them, that is the beauty



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