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    Birmingham Mosques Attacked By Ball-Bearing Thugs During Evening Prayers

    Police are investigating the case of an attack on the two mosques in Birmingham by ball-bearing catapult thugs as dozens of worshippers were occupied with prayers. Due to this unfortunate incident, armed officers were deployed to...
    2018-09-10 1985 0
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    When Work is Work and Home is the Right to Disconnect

    During the early 1980s, when computers started becoming a common feature in offices and workplaces, we were sold a narrative. It went along the lines that this new-fangled technology would create much more leisure time and...
    2018-09-06 1875 0
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    Muhammad Ayyub MBE

    Popular South Asian music helped to bridge the gap between the sub-continent and the UK, which resulted in a vibrant British Asian culture that has thrived across different generations. Apart from helping to shape the British...
    2018-08-30 3610 0
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    Children Books Devoid of Minority Representation

    According to a study, Children’s books do not follow modern UK society, with ethnic minorities being under-represented. The study reports that there are very few characters from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background in children’s...
    2018-08-23 2039 0
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    Birmingham helps to improve surgical outcomes in India

    The University of Birmingham is leading on major health research projects in India to help develop surgical research that will have the potential to improve the quality of surgery. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)...
    2018-08-21 1930 0
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    Uzair and his Noble Marathon Run

    After hearing about the women who depend on the services of Humraaz Support Services, Uzair Shafique was moved enough to stand up and raise funds for the Humraaz Support Services. He has decided to run a...
    2018-08-21 2301 0
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    Allama Mashriqi & Tazkirah Featured in New Encyclopedia

    Springer, a globally recognised and well-respected publishing company (originally founded in Germany in 1842), has included articles on Allama Mashriqi and Tazkirah in its recently published Encyclopedia of Indian Religions. The encyclopedia is a comprehensive work...
    2018-08-16 2667 0
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    Throughout the years, crime in the UK has risen amongst the youth. Atleast 46,000 young people are linked to violent groups in the country. Kids today are involved in crime, either selling drugs on the streets...
    2018-08-16 5046 0
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    Over £3,000 raised by schools pupils

    The Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School pupils have been able to raise over £3,000 for the homeless charity Nightsafe through their Enterprise Week fundraising. This is the biggest donation the charity has ever been able to...
    2018-08-13 3188 0
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    What do rapper Kanye West, hip-hop producer Pharrell Williams and actress/singer Queen Latifah have in common with British entrepreneurs Anum Khan, Naeem Ahmed and Abdullah Aziz Anwar? The answer is that they have all bought into...
    2018-08-09 2885 0
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