Sri Lanka is shaken by Terror Attacks
The teardrop of India was left in a catastrophic state after a wave of bombings hit the country during the Easter weekend At least six suicide bombers were involved in the attacks which were aimed at...2019-05-11 2062 0 -
Kashmir Boycotts Indian Elections: Grenade Lobbed Towards Pulwama Polling Station
Violent attacks have disturbed the running of the Indian Elections in the turbulent region of Kashmir. The territory, which is the only Muslim majority state in the country, has been subjected to terrorist attacks and boycotting...2019-05-08 1899 0 -
Fraud Indian Jeweller Arrested in London
Fugitive diamond merchant Nirav Modi was arrested in London for fraud relating to Punjab National Bank, in a recent ongoing case. He has been accused of stealing thirteen thousand crores and has been a fugitive on the run for the past...2019-04-23 1912 0 -
‘Dark night of the soul’ drove Mother Teresa to serve poor in India
Personal tragedy during the early years of Mother Teresa’s life was the main reason why she traveled to India to serve the poor, according to new research. Dr Gëzim Alpion, from the University of Birmingham, claims...2019-03-29 2492 0 -
Kashmir Killings: Indian Troops Dead in Pulwama Attack
Militants during another Kashmir strike during mid-February have left an Indian Army major and no less than three different officers dead. The incident occurred only days after a shocking bombing, which also killed many Indian security officers as well. Fears are presently rising that Kashmir, a questioned...2019-03-26 2180 0 -
India’s Standard Time Zone takes its Toll on National Citizens
India is the second largest country in the continent of Asia and the seventh largest in the entire world. The total area covered by the nation is 32, 87, 263 KM squared, with a longitude of...2019-03-25 2026 0 -
Celebs Steal in the Cash for 2019 General Elections
These schemes have occurred in the events leading up to the 2019 Indian election. Among these TV and Film personalities are established actors, singers, stand-up comedians, directors and dancers. Among the list are singers: Abhijeet Bhattacharya,...2019-03-22 2406 0 -
Donkey Export to raise Pakistan’s dwindling foreign exchange
The country of Pakistan possesses the third largest population of donkeys in the world. However, it is set to begin exporting such number to China in exchange for much needed foreign income during the ongoing...2019-03-20 1945 0 -
Penny Appeal secures up-to £2 million with UK Aid Match to launch Fragile Lives Appeal
Penny Appeal secures UK Aid Match funding and is delighted to announce the launch of the new Fragile Lives appeal to support some of the most fragile and vulnerable mothers and babies in Pakistan and Kenya. UK Aid...2019-03-19 1836 0 -
Pakistani MP Imran Khan Vouches to Name Baloki Forest after Guru Nanak
At the opening ceremony of the Spring Tree Plantation event 2019, Imran Khan expressed his desire to make Pakistan an all-inclusive nation that belongs to each citizen equally, regardless of religious and class background. He also...2019-03-18 2018 0