Two Indian children, who were taken into foster care inNorway, have returned toIndiato be handed over to their uncle. The Norwegian court allowed the children to return to their...

Two Indian children, who were taken into foster care inNorway, have returned toIndiato be handed over to their uncle.

The Norwegian court allowed the children to return to their homeland.

The country’s child welfare agency said that it took the children in custody last May, claiming that their parents did not look after them properly.

The parents said that “cultural differences” were behind the agency’s move and the incident has caused a row between the two countries.

Three-year-old Abhigyan and Aishwariya Bhattacharya, 1, were flown to Dehli’s international airport last month, where they were met by Junior Foreign Minister Praneet Kaur.

The pair was then transported toCalcutta.

The children were put into care by the Norwegian Child Welfare Agency after local social services told them that the children may be in danger.

However, the children’s parents deny this.

Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, who were living inNorwayat the time, said that there were “cultural differences” that the agency mistook for maltreatment. These included sleeping with the children and feeding them by hand.

After discussions, the agency has reached an agreement with the parents and the children’s uncle.


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