Is this a sign for job seekers?

By Bandhna Kaur

Ajani-2 AlfredAjani

A man held a sign that stated “Marketing Graduate (BA Hons 2:1 Coventry Uni) Ask for a CV” at Waterloo station a year ago. He was unable to secure a job with sending CVs and attempted holding a “notice” to get “noticed”. Interestingly, this act got him noticed. As a result, he was offered a few job interviews by prospective companies.
His story illustrates the competitiveness of job markets whereby demonstrating good CV skills are essential. Many individuals end up unemployed merely due to poor CV skills which result in their skill set being unnoticed. These un-recognised individuals often are highly qualified academics who are of high caliber. It might come across as surprising as to why this is so. Students aren’t equipped with adequate CV writing skills in schools. Perhaps more focus should be put on this to combat this problem.
Many candidates are unable to express their skills on a CV adequately. Their qualifications fail to translate onto paper. This results in their CVs being unnoticed. Alternatively, there are CVs that are truly impeccable and result in employers interviewing a candidate with a strong desire to hire. Perception can make all the difference in securing a job. When an employer feels that the company needs your skill set they may hire you strongly based on the impression you have created for yourself. This illustrates the importance of professional CV writing. However, Alfred Ajani’s unique case is exception to conventional methods of getting a job.
Alfred Ajani, failed to get his CV noticed the conventional way but was found with a new sign a year later that read “I’m hiring”. Alfred Ajani, a graduate from Coventry university in marketing has now secured a job as a public relations manager. His job role includes social media and promoting the firm through marketing. His skill set was demonstrated last year with holding the initial sign board. Subsequently, it set off media coverage and he was able to successively engage in self marketing. He encourages graduates to get active and to take risks.

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