An incident in Birmingham occurred

An incident in Birmingham occurred, where a man called Hassan Shabbir, 27 wrote a note and left it on an ambulance windscreen. It read: ‘You may be saving lives, but don’t park your van in a stupid place and block my drive.’ The note soon went viral after a photograph was taken by paramedic Tasha Starkey who attended the scene and posted the note on Twitter.

Paramedics had no choice but to Double Park outside a Drug Rehab Centre and battled for an hour and a half to save the patient. The 42-year-old resident passed away after being rushed to hospital with a severe case of internal bleeding. After arriving back from his job as a teaching assistant at St Saviour’s Primary School, he apologised to the deceased man’s family.

Hassan Shabbir full of remorse and very apologetic said; ‘What I did was monstrous, but I am not a monster. There is no justification for what I did. ‘I am deeply ashamed of my actions, even before I found out the poor man had died. Hassan said that he lived three doors down from Livingstone House. He added that he patiently waited for twenty minutes before losing his cool and writing the note. Hassan mentioned that his reason for losing it was due to other incidents that have happened in the past.

He said: ‘I was coming home from work and had to go to an appointment.’ ‘‘Another guy was waiting to come out of the drive, but we were both blocked by the ambulance for 20 minutes. ‘I just snapped and had lost it. I scribbled the note, rushed out and put it on the windscreen. There are no excuses for what I did. It was awful.

‘I knew what I did was wrong before a friend told me what had happened to the man. But the parking near my area is always hectic, and I’ve been blocked in before.
‘I’ve been blocked by the police as well, not knowing where they are or what they are doing. I’ve been blocked from going to work so many times. If I could take this back, I would.’

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