Aisha Bi- football prodigy to sister Salma Bi

Aisha Bi Younger sister to Salma Bi- Who is the real inspiration to her sister. The force behind all the work that is presented by The Company, Aisha is...

35451_10152170842585221_747685848_nAisha Bi Younger sister to Salma Bi- Who is the real inspiration to her sister. The force behind all the work that is presented by The Company, Aisha is a crucial part to the Team. she is also known as the adrenaline junkie, never afraid to try new things and loves theme parks.

She brings the ideas forward and criticises the work before its announced. Aisha has such a wild interest in animals she named the Futsal Team The Great White Sharks.
Aisha loves reading and learning about whats going on in the sporting world and heard about the Futsal World Record which Inspired Salma to host the next 5 Events all hosted alongside Aisha!

FirstEver Futsal 10 Hours Women’s Marathon TEAM RED
Womens Indoor T10 Cricket World Cup TEAM AUSTRALIA
Women’s 20 Hours Futsal Marathon TEAM LIME/JESS
Womens Indoor T10 Cricket World Cup TEAM AUSTRALIA WINNERS
Womens World Dodge Ball 2013 TEAM ASIAN COBRAS

Aisha is 5’9 Fair and Strong build who Loves all sports and has a great passion for Grey Hounds. Her future aspirations are working for the Police Force and Running her own personal training Gymnasium. Aisha is looking forward to the year ahead, following in the footsteps of her sister Aisha knows she has her own path to create and when the moment is right she will set even bigger and better records!

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