I Never Said I Loved You by Rhik Samadder: Book Review
‘Profound, funny and completely heart-breaking’ Write, actor and broadcaster, Rhik Samadder, is set to publish his novel ‘I Never Said I Loved You’ later this year on the 8th August. The story is based on Rhik’s...2019-06-13 3576 0 -
LGBT Lessons Protest Spreads Nationally
Schools across England have received letters against the teaching of relationships and sex education (RSE) and LGBT equality. Protests started in Birmingham and letters are mostly from Muslims, which have been sent to several schools. One...2019-06-12 2517 0 -
Birmingham accent ranked LEAST attractive in the UK – and even Wolverhampton is higher
Birmingham pronunciation positioned LEAST appealing in the UK – and even Wolverhampton is higher A positioning of the 50, hottest accents in the UK has uncovered Essex is the most liked While it might be adequate...2019-06-11 1886 0 -
Asda chicken thighs review from ‘Shamima Begum’ evokes shock among customers
A commentator leaving a remark about the chain’s £2.18 Butcher Selection Chicken Thighs professed to be “Shamima Begum” A Midlands mum has been left irritated after an Asda review posing as ISIS Jihadi Bride Shamima...2019-06-11 2175 0 -
Muslim Mum left Fuming over Bacon-Tasting Pasta Sauce
Single mother Rianne Ward, aged 39 from Derby was furious when she bought Lasagna sauce from Aldi which she claimed contained bacon. Ms Ward has been a convert to Islam for over seven years now and...2019-06-10 1244 0 -
Shocking Racist Slur on Solihull Takeaway
Shocking Racist Slur on Solihull Takeaway A racist slur which was graffitied onto a local Indian takeaway in Solihull has left the shop’s owner devastated. Muzibar Rahman is the owner of Saffron Indian Takeaway, which he...2019-06-08 1403 0 -
MP Sajid Javid in Run to be UK’s First Asian Prime Minister
The UK Home Secretary and Bromsgrove representative Sajid Javid has become the 9th Tory MP to announce his candidateship for party leader. If successful, he would not only become the UK’s first Asian Prime Minister but...2019-06-07 1344 0 -
Man Stabbed in Gowan Road, Alum Rock
A 21-year-old victim was stabbed during daylight hours at a nearby vicinity of the Birmingham area. The incident occurred as children walked home from school on the same street. The victim was knifed in the leg...2019-06-06 2655 0 -
Meera Dalal Suicide: Mother to Write Book on Tragic Domestic Abuse Case
*Meera Dalal took her own life on 15 February 2016 after domestic abuse by her ex-boyfriend *Statements read out at the inquest into Miss Dalal’s death said Miss Dalal had been physically and emotionally abused...2019-06-04 2896 0 -
Birmingham welcomes the Knife Angel as city works to tackle knife crime
A huge 27-foot sculpture, made from 100,000 confiscated knives, was welcomed to Birmingham as the city comes together to tackle knife crime. Birmingham City Council, working with the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, has brought...2019-06-04 1970 0