Singing your heart out to raise money for Heart Research UK
A long term supporter of national charity Heart Research UK is hosting a live Facebook concert to raise funds for the charity and help to raise the spirits of the nation. Ric Cipriani, from Cheltenham, will...2020-04-06 1348 0 -
The most important action we can all take to fight coronavirus is to stay at home. This will save lives and protect the NHS. Anyone can spread Coronavirus and that is why the government has introduced...2020-04-02 1888 0 -
Team communication App deployed free of charge to help NHS and wider care sector amid COVID-19
With tens of thousands of retired medics asked to return to work and a quarter of a million volunteers needed to help the NHS through the coronavirus crisis, OurPeople has developed a free version of its...2020-03-26 1524 0 -
University of Birmingham contributes to COVID-19 research
The Government and the UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser have backed the UK’s leading clinicians and scientists to map how COVID-19 spreads and evolves using whole-genome sequencing. Through a £20 million investment, the consortium will look for...2020-03-24 1457 0 -
Trading Standards warns over ‘dual pricing’
Birmingham’s Trading Standards teams visited shops across the city as part of a clamp-down on dual-pricing, warning traders they face prosecution if found to be exploiting customers in this way. Officers visited shops and supermarkets in...2020-03-24 1712 0 -
Keep kids learning at home!
Until we are certain when schools will re-open, parents of young children are trying to work out the best way to cope. If your children are at home and you’re concerned that they keep up with...2020-03-21 1947 0 -
Major Statue Unveiling Delayed
The unveiling of the first permanent statue memorial to the Women’s Royal Army Corps at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire, has unfortunately been postponed. It was due to take place on Saturday 21st March 2020...2020-03-17 1839 0 -
Coronavirus may be used as excuse to fleece motorists at the pumps
Since Christmas to March 13th 2020 oil has fallen by 89% in Sterling, while fuel supply chain businesses have increased profit from drivers when they fill up, by 242% for petrol and 175% for diesel. Since...2020-03-17 1219 0 -
27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based
It’s easy to get confused when it comes to health and nutrition. Even qualified experts often seem to hold opposing opinions. Yet, despite all the disagreements, a number of wellness tips are well supported by research....2020-03-12 1313 0 -
Akshay Kumar warns against Coronavirus
Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar urged people to maintain proper levels of hygiene amongst the latest Coronavirus scare which has spread across the globe. Akshay Kumar has stated, ‘There will be some effect but how much that...2020-03-11 2682 0