Warrior Abs by British Champion Syed Rahat

Crunches are a great way to start for Beginners, but you are not a Beginner anymore. Step up the Strength and try more challenging ab Exercises to carve out...

Crunches are a great way to start for Beginners, but you are not a Beginner anymore. Step up the Strength and try more challenging ab Exercises to carve out the six-pack.  

Seated Rotations 

If you get worn out of floor exercises for your abs or you need to find something you can do at work, seated Rotations are the right choice. You can work your Obliques, along with your lower back and holding the weight adds intensity and will resolve the shoulders, arms and chest as well. 

The first thing to do is to sit tall on a ball or a Chair and hold a medium Weight. Secondly, begin the movement with the weight at chest level with the shoulders relaxed. Thirdly, keeping the hips and knees facing forward, rotate the torso to the right as far as you comfortably, whilst focusing on squeezing the muscles around your waist.  Finally, turn back to the centre and then to the left, keeping the movement controlled. Continue to do so, alternating sides for 1-3 sets of 10-16 reps. 

Seated Double Knee Lifts – Perfect for when you’re at Work!  

It is not relevant to use anything in particular to work your abs. Though, you can do work-outs right from your chair with the double Knee lift. You will feel the Exercise in the lower abs. 

Firstly, sit tall in a Chair, feet flat on the floor and Shoulders down. Secondly, brace the abs and lift the feet off the floor and bring the knees to the Chest. Thirdly, try to avoid leaning back in the Chair, as you lift your legs. Lastly, lower and repeat for 10-16 reps. 

Spiderman Planks 

Holding a plank position can get boring, but it won’t with Spiderman Planks. With this, you’re bringing the Knee towards the same Elbow, directing the Obliques as well as your Balance.  This one is tougher than it looks. 

The first thing is that being in a plank position, on the Hands and Toes.  Make sure the hips are down, and the Back is tight while bracing your abs. Secondly, lift the left leg, bend the knee and bring it towards your left elbow, without moving the rest of the body. Thirdly, take the left leg back and then bring the right knee in towards the right elbow and keeping the body in the same position. Repeat for 30-60 seconds, completing 1-3 sets. 

For more training exercises and additional help, you can watch Rahat’s tutorials on his Youtube Channel, or contact him via Facebook or Instagram. 

YT – https://youtu.be/H6DV9RIT8  

FB: rahatali.shahmodel  

IG: rahatfitnessworld 

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