Four year old Awais suffered from epilepsy and severe fits attack. One time doctors told his mother that there was little chance that her son would survive, but luckily the doctors were wrong and Awais survived. St. Benedict’s Infant School started a campaign to raise funds and collected a good sum with the help of local community and local businesses. Asian World presented a cheque of £500 to Saint Benedict’s Infant School after launching a campaign for Awais Ali. Since March when the campaign was launched, St. Benedict’s Infant School and Asian World Newspaper has received tremendous support from local community and local businesses. The school successfully managed to raise a sum of £4788.81 through various school fundraising activities – Public and private donation. With this collection of the school has managed to buy sensory toys for Awais Ali. A cheque by Asian World Newspaper was presented with the effort and help of staff, readers and contributor to St. Benedict’s School in the morning assembly at 8:30am on Thursday 12th. July 2012. Assistant Head Jan Ludford and Amanda Rattigan would like to thank everybody for helping to raise awareness and for contributing towards the final total £57388.81 for Awais Ali’s campaign.
£5000 Raised for Awais Ali Campaign
Four year old Awais suffered from epilepsy and severe fits attack. One time doctors told his mother that there was little chance that her son would survive, but luckily...
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