Stoptober campaign to give smokers the confidence to quit

The annual Stoptober public health campaign is back this month and Walsall Council is reminding residents about the help that is available and urging smokers in the Borough to...

The annual Stoptober public health campaign is back this month and Walsall Council is reminding residents about the help that is available and urging smokers in the Borough to stub out the habit.

Stoptober, now in its eleventh year, aims to empower people to give up smoking during the month of October.

Evidence shows people are five times more likely to give up for good if they can make it to at least 28 days smoke free. Getting the right support and believing you can quit is a major factor in successful attempts and residents can access information and support at One You Walsall.

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing at Walsall Council, said:

“This Stoptober we are encouraging smokers across the Borough to join the thousands of others in the country who are looking to give up smoking for good. We want people to know they can quit and we have the information and resources to help them do it.

“It’s never too late to quit and stopping smoking brings immediate benefits to health, including for people with an existing smoking-related disease. The good news is that smoking rates are declining but nearly six million adults in England still smoke and smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death in the country.”

Local resident Ewoud Nijeboer, a 36-year-old businessman who lives with his family in central Walsall, gave up two years ago. He hopes he will inspire  others to give up by sharing his experience of quitting and how it has benefited him. He started smoking when he was 13 years old and smoked a packet of cigarettes a day, mainly due to peer pressure. After a few years, he realised that cigarettes were impacting on his health but when he tried to quit, he found it difficult.

Ewoud said, “Then one day I decided that enough was enough and I haven’t looked back since. Now, I can breathe better, I don’t smell, I have more energy and I have more money. My circulation is better and I don’t have cold hands and feet anymore. I’m really glad I quit smoking and I would encourage others to do the same. It’s the best thing I have ever done.”

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