Latest in: Health

  • Health


    Applying sunscreen to South Asian children under the age of two could increase their risk of skin cancer later in life, one of the world’s leading experts warned. A ‘self-tanning’ mechanism that protects the skin against...
    2015-07-09 3191 0
  • Health

    Health benefits of Henna

    Henna or most commonly known as Mehndi, is a herb which has various medicinal benefits which range from headaches to liver disorder and other skin disorders. Henna is most commonly used at occasions so with Eid...
    2015-07-09 3080 0
  • Featured

    Beef or no beef?

    By Mahuya Santra Beef, or no beef? After 67 years of independence, India as a multi religious, multi lingual and multiracial country which set an example of communal harmony to the world is facing this brief...
    2015-06-10 3510 0
  • Health

    Diabetes- a 21st Century Challenge

    Diabetes mellitus is often a misunderstood disease in the Asian community, with many people associating it simply with sugar consumption. Being Asian means that we have a far higher rate of diabetes, mainly Type2 diabetes, which...
    2015-04-09 6232 0
  • Health

    Your guide to Aloe Vera

    For centuries, the Aloe Vera plant has been used for its cosmetic and health benefits. Aloe is often referred to as nature’s best gift due to the proven health benefits derived from the gel. Recent studies...
    2015-03-11 6451 0
  • Health

    New allergy rules for Asian takeaways

      Renowned Indian chef, Cyrus Todiwala, has urged Asian takeaway businesses and other ethnic eateries to follow the new EU legislation which became law last December. The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulations (EU FIC) requires...
    2015-02-02 3502 0
  • Featured

    Asthma issues affecting south Asians

    Asthma UK is urging people with asthma to take extra care in the New Year as cold spells set in. Even though the incidence of asthma in south Asians is lower than in the white population,...
    2015-01-15 3752 0
  • Featured

    Ab Crunches to Trim that Belly Fat!

    The Belly zone is probably where we put on weight first, and it is one of the most difficult spot areas to lose fat from! To truly tame your trouble spots, you need combine cardio with...
    2015-01-15 3816 0
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