Measures announced to boost teacher recruitment and retention
New measures to enhance recruitment and retention in the teaching profession have been announced by the government. They include £1.5 million of new investment to deliver a three-year mental health and wellbeing support package for school and...2024-01-15 2077 0 -
Government seeks views on new pay scale for NHS nurses
The government has published a call for evidence to seek views on a new pay scale for nurses. It will collate feedback from across the health sector on the merits of a separate pay structure for nursing...2024-01-11 1967 0 -
Digital pathology to improve cancer screening and save lives
Screening for breast, bowel and cervical cancer will be made quicker and more effective under plans to roll out the use of digital images to detect cancer. The Department of Health and Social Care is taking...2024-01-05 2156 0 -
Do not believe in myths and miracles: the promises that will not keep you fit in 2024!
Getting fitter and healthier is one of those new year resolutions that most of us have made and then quickly broken at some stage in life — maybe even on an annual basis! However, with rising...2024-01-02 1970 0 -
Smokers encouraged to quit this new year for their health
In a hard-hitting campaign film released today, former England goalkeeper and ex-smoker David James joins a number of other ex-smokers to discuss the influence their parents’ smoking had on them taking up the habit themselves and how...2023-12-30 2006 0 -
Minister visits Frank Bruno Foundation mental health initiative
Mental Health Minister lauds former professional boxer’s efforts to help those with mental ill health stay in work via programme of controlled non-contact boxing classes Visit comes as government unveils unprecedented £795 million of additional funding...2023-12-26 1790 0 -
Research project reaches major milestone in NHS to protect babies from deadly infection
More than 1,100 pregnant women in North East UK have taken part in a rapid beside test to protect newborns from life-threatening illnesses which can be passed onto babies during birth. The GBS3 study, funded by...2023-12-07 1888 0 -
Unpaid carers saving Northern Ireland’s health service £5.8 billion per year
People providing unpaid care for sick or disabled family members and friends are saving Northern Ireland’s health service £5.8 billion in care costs each year. According to new research from the University of Birmingham led ESRC...2023-12-05 1716 0 -
Allergy campaigner and food entrepreneur Julianne Ponan MBE heads to Downing Stree
Award-winning businesswoman and allergy campaigner Julianne Ponan MBE was one of only a handful of small business owners invited to showcase their products at the annual Downing Street Festive Fair. Julianne, who runs her business from...2023-12-02 8410 0 -
UK diabetes prevention programme may have global impact
A nationwide programme to reduce the risk of developing diabetes in the UK is proven beyond reasonable doubt to work, a new study reveals. The positive effects observed in the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme – the...2023-11-21 2354 0