Spotting the signs early can save lives
Public Health England’s campaign urges people to see a GP if they have breathlessness or a persistent cough, as these are key symptoms of lung cancer, heart disease and lung disease which cause more...2017-09-07 2151 0 -
Brummies register to help mend broken hearts
A charity fundraising event in support of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has been organised to help mend broken hearts. The event organised by volunteers from the Handsworth BHF Fundraising Group takes place on Sunday 17...2017-08-21 3389 0 -
Sufferers of both Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea could lose eyesight within four years
Research led by the University of Birmingham has discovered that patients who suffer from both Type 2 diabetes and obstructive sleep apnoea are at greater risk of developing a condition that leads to blindness within an...2017-08-17 1929 0 -
Over 150,000 annual deaths from lung cancer, lung and heart disease
PHE campaign urges people to see a GP if they have breathlessness or a persistent cough, as these are symptoms of these diseases. Public Health England (PHE) has launched a national ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ awareness campaign...2017-08-17 2350 0 -
Can Green Tea Help Stop Hair Loss?
There has been a lot of chatter about using green tea to reduce hair loss, and as a potential DHT blocker. In this article I’ll review the scientific evidence to see if you should be adding green tea to your...2017-08-09 3590 0 -
1 Nakuul Mehta, Star TV actor supports Public Health England’s Be Clear on Cancer Campaign
Nakuul Mehta, Star TV Actor supports Public Health England’s (PHE) national ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ awareness campaign which prompts people with symptoms of some of the leading causes of death in England to see their doctor....2017-07-26 1946 0 -
PM: Mental health training for teachers will “make a real difference to children’s lives”
The government has pledged that every secondary school in the country will be offered Mental Health First Aid training by 2020. The government’s pledge to transform mental health services for young people has taken an important step...2017-07-26 1893 0 -
Sufferers of both Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea could lose eyesight within four years
Research led by the University of Birmingham has discovered that patients who suffer from both Type 2 diabetes and obstructive sleep apnoea are at greater risk of developing a condition that leads to blindness within an...2017-07-20 2047 0 -
Over 150,000 deaths from lung cancer, lung disease and heart disease each year
Public Health England campaign urges people to see a GP if they have breathlessness or a persistent cough, as these are key symptoms of these diseases Call comes as new survey reveals that people are...2017-07-18 2683 0 -
Study finds adding Abiraterone to standard treatment improves prostate cancer survival
One of the largest clinical trials for prostate cancer led by the University of Birmingham has found that adding Abiraterone to hormone therapy at the start of treatment improves survival by 37 per cent. The...2017-07-11 2058 0