What will the Chancellor do for smokers this No Smoking Day?
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is joined by over 10 public health organisations including Cancer Research UK, British Lung Foundation and British Heart Foundation is calling on the Chancellor to do more to reduce the...2020-03-10 1389 0 -
First Mile supports Gymshark in its quest to become a sustainability game-changer
Leading recycling company, First Mile, is pleased to announce that it’s now working closely with visionary fitness brand, Gymshark, in a collaboration that will boost Gymshark’s sustainability efforts in all of its offices across the UK. Known for...2020-03-02 2450 0 -
Improving patient assessments – thanks to charity boost
Podiatrists have been able to buy a new toe pressure index device to help assess patients’ blood supply better thanks to generous supporters of Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity. The ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) is a...2020-02-25 1350 0 -
Model Launches Hair Care Line for Curly Hair
“Naturally curly hair is a curse, and don’t ever let anyone tell you different.” This is what was stated by American writer Mary Ann Shaffer. Although the reason for this quote isn’t clear, what is clear...2020-02-24 1537 0 -
Partnership work helps patients
A Well Wishers charity partnership with Enoch Evans LLP Solicitors for Make Your Will Fortnight has netted more than £1200. The cash generated through last November’s fundraiser will be used to transform a room on Ward...2020-02-19 1212 0 -
Sneak Peek: First glimpse at BRAND NEW beauty concept from Holland & Barrett which lets customers refill their products and is made from recycled materials
Holland & Barrett to launch its first ever ‘clean & conscious’ beauty concept store next month The natural beauty dedicated concept space will be trialled at their NEW Birmingham Bullring Shopping Centre branch In addition to the concept launch, Holland & Barrett...2020-02-18 1879 0 -
Rheumatology registrar awarded fellowship
Dr Adam Croft, an honorary Specialist Registrar at UHB and NIHR Clinical Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, has recently been awarded £2.5 million funding by the Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research to develop his research...2020-02-18 1373 0 -
It has been long suggested that we wash our bed covers at least once a fortnight, to stop the spread of illness causing bacteria. A recent bacterial study in the US, focused on bed covers, found that...2020-02-17 1354 0 -
If you’re claiming free dental treatment – don’t assume you can claim it for free. Not all benefits entitle you to free dental treatment, and if you claim when you’re not entitled, you could face a...2020-02-13 1235 0 -
NHS leaders ask for views on future healthcare
Patients in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent are being asked for their views on the future of healthcare services. The six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent want the views of the patients across the area...2020-02-12 1378 0