Landmark deal to boost nation’s health and save NHS £14 billion
A landmark deal has been agreed that is set to save the NHS £14 billion over 5 years in medicines costs, enable patients to access the latest lifesaving treatments more consistently and boost the UK’s position...2023-11-20 1944 0 -
Antibiotic resistant infections and associated deaths increase
The latest national surveillance data, announced at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) annual conference in Leeds today, shows that an estimated 58,224 people in England had an antibiotic resistant infection in 2022 – a rise of...2023-11-19 1631 0 -
Biggest prostate cancer screening trial in decades to start in UK
Thousands of men’s lives could be saved, and their loved ones spared the tragedy of losing someone to cancer, as a major new prostate cancer screening trial is set to get under way in the UK...2023-11-19 1549 0 -
Giant lung roadshow tours England to encourage South Asian community to act on early lung cancer symptoms
The NHS will visit thousands of people in England’s lung cancer hotspots with giant inflatable lungs this month, to raise awareness of potential cancer symptoms and help catch cancer earlier. The Let’s Talk Lung Cancer roadshow,...2023-11-18 1677 0 -
Cystic fibrosis drugs Kaftrio and Kalydeco licensed for patients aged two to five years old
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has extended the licence of the cystic fibrosis medicines Kaftrio (ivacaftor, tezacaftor and elexacaftor) and Kalydeco (ivacaftor) for children aged two to five years old. These medicines were...2023-11-16 1530 0 -
£267 million to boost local drug and alcohol treatment
Local authorities across England will benefit from almost £267 million of government funding next year to improve drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services. The funding, which will be rolled out in April 2024, will enable...2023-11-15 1540 0 -
NHS Launches Campaign To Tell Patients About the Support Available at GP Practices
The support on offer for patients at their GP practice is expanding, thanks to thousands more healthcare staff working in local communities. NHS England is raising awareness of the support available, following a survey that...2023-11-09 1231 0 -
Government drive to phase out smoking and tackle youth vaping attracts large response
Over 12,000 responses have been received as part of the government’s consultation on plans to create a smokefree generation and crack down on youth vaping – the most significant public health intervention in a generation. The Prime Minister...2023-11-08 2061 0 -
Earlier mental health support announced for thousands nationwide
Thousands of children and young people will receive earlier mental health treatment in a move to help save lives and ensure fewer youngsters reach crisis point, through early support hubs across the country. The government is...2023-10-26 1564 0 -
Government to invest £30 million in innovative technology for NHS
Patients across the country will benefit from a £30 million government investment in innovative medical technology (medtech) which will help ease pressures on the NHS this winter and could include the expansion of 3D checks that speed...2023-10-15 1665 0