Survival medicine 101: CBD for when SHTF
Survival medicine 101: CBD for when SHTF When SHTF, the last place you’d want to go to is a medical facility. Hospitals and clinics will be swarming with patients despite these places being severely understaffed....2019-06-05 1808 0 -
Burn those Calories this Summer!
Resolved to finally lose weight this year? Well, you need to mix up your workouts so they stay challenging. This will help keep your heart rate up, and force your body to burn more calories. The...2019-05-20 2733 0 -
Asian women talk openly about their cervical screening experiences
Attending your cervical screening appointment when you are invited is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from getting cervical cancer. And that’s why Priyanka Abbi, Jas Dosanjh, Lakshmi Jesani and...2019-05-12 1751 0 -
A New Route into Nursing
The government announced a Registered Nursing Degree apprenticeship scheme in 2016 to enable people to train to become a graduate registered nurse through an apprenticeship route. Working in collaboration with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation...2019-05-09 1713 0 -
Me and my Injector-Pen by Suki Bhachu Book Review
Local Brummie Mum Suki Bhachu, is among hundreds of parents in the UK who discovered their child had serious allergies to certain types of foods. With the desperate need to inform other carers, and teaching staff about the growing healthcare issue,...2019-04-30 1725 0 -
Prameet Shah talks about his role as a Community Pharmacist
We speak to Community Pharmacist, Prameet Shah from Islington to find out more about his role and how pharmacists can help people with minor health concerns. How long have you been a Community Pharmacist and...2019-04-29 2546 0 -
Most of us when we start on our fitness regime get very excited about two things – a) Fat Burn b) Building our muscles Here are some basic techniques to build your muscles and to keep...2019-04-29 1649 0 -
Vapours can Cause Cancer: The harmful Truth about Vaping and E-Cigarettes
In recent years, using vape pens and smoking electronic cigarettes has become a huge market trend. Despite the fact that these accessories do not contain tobacco, and are sometimes even nicotine free, researches have proven that they can still cause...2019-04-28 1778 0 -
We Are The NHS
There are a wide range of exciting and rewarding job opportunities available in the NHS across England. You can make a difference by working for the NHS and being part of a team that keeps...2019-04-25 2553 0 -
Recently, student volunteers at two Birmingham Universities, recruited 267 young people to the Anthony Nolan stem cell register. Following a similar campaign in London in February, the week-long ‘Birmingham City’ campaign was spearheaded by ‘Marrow’, blood cancer charity Anthony...2019-04-24 1934 0