Let’s stop talking just between ourselves says Stroke Association’s Anil Ranchod
Stroke happens every five minutes in the UK. This means that you, a parent, a grandparent, a child, a sibling or relative could suddenly be struck down. Stroke doesn’t discriminate, and it destroys lives, leaving two...2020-08-24 2127 0 -
Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by Dr Helen Flaherty, Head of Health Promotion at Heart Research UK
Smoking In the UK around 6.9 million people over the age of 18 smoke. Although rates of smoking have decreased in recent years, the number of people who smoke remains high. Smoking harms almost all organs...2020-08-20 1582 0 -
NHS encourages South Asians to know their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
The NHS is encouraging South Asian people to find out if they are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes through using the ‘Know Your Risk’ tool hosted by Diabetes UK. The push comes as...2020-08-19 1479 0 -
Chemo Doorstep Drops Help To Keep Cancer Patients Safe
Thousands of patients with cancer have had chemotherapy delivered to their doors so that they can more safely receive treatment during the coronavirus pandemic. Up to 10,000 chemo home deliveries were made over three months...2020-08-17 1411 0 -
South Asians encouraged to lose weight and cut COVID-19 risk
Public Health England (PHE) has launched a major new adult health campaign, called ‘Better Health’, to encourage adults to eat better, lose weight and get active. Everyone can benefit from taking steps towards having a...2020-08-13 2193 0 -
Midlands Air Ambulance Charity To Benefit From New Partnership With The RAC
As part of the RAC’s continued partnership with Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, the company has launched a new affinity scheme, offering anyone associated with the charity a discount on breakdown cover when bought through a dedicated...2020-08-12 1439 0 -
Summer nights – natural tips for sleeping in the heat
With the kids off school, the stresses of working from home, and the worry of the ongoing pandemic, it is no surprise that millions of people are struggling with their sleep patterns at the moment. Add to the...2020-08-11 1111 0 -
PixelCrayons Helping Healthcare Industries During COVID 19
COVID 19 outbreak has given a technological boost to the healthcare industries but it was never expected in such a way. The usage of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and IoT has gained a significant hike in...2020-08-09 1153 0 -
NHS Rolls Out ‘Covid-friendly’ Cancer Treatments
‘Covid-friendly’ cancer treatments that are safer for patients during the pandemic will be expanded and extended through a £160 million initiative, NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens announced. The funding will pay for drugs that treat...2020-08-04 1382 0 -
Simple urine test could significantly improve detection of adrenal cancer
Using a simple urine test alongside routine imaging for patients with adrenal masses could speed up adrenal cancer diagnosis, improving patient’s prognosis and reducing the need for invasive diagnostic procedures, a new multi-centre study published in...2020-07-28 1638 0