
  • Health

    Benefits Of Lemon Water

    Drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning is one of the simplest, most affordable and natural ways to improve your health which has incredible benefits on your health. Energises your Body It gives your...
    2021-03-05 1612 0
  • Health

    Indian Spices to Prevent Cancer

    1. Cayenne Pepper/Capsaicin (Chilli peppers): A promising spice with anticancer properties, an overdose of chilli peppers, however, should be restrained. Capsaicin induces the process of apoptosis that destroys potential cancer cells and reduces the size of leukaemia...
    2021-03-04 1382 0
  • Food

    What Makes a Perfect Kitchen

    It is a mistake to suppose that any room, however small and unpleasantly situated, is “good enough” for a kitchen. This is the room where housekeepers pass a great portion of their time, and it should...
    2021-03-04 4091 0
  • Home

    Interview With Actor/Director Imran Arooj

    Imran, thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule to talk to us,   What made you get into acting industry? I was bored of modelling, sometimes felt so artificial and cosmetic, so I...
    2021-03-04 38078 0
  • Health

    Folic Acid and its Benefits

    Folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin occurs naturally in food and can also be taken as food supplements. Naturally occurring sources of folic acid includes green leaf vegetables (spinach, turnip), poultry, pork, shellfish, pea’s beans, liver,...
    2018-11-05 3530 0
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