British Muslim man sets up charity and raises over £100 million in ten years!

Adeem Younis, an award-winning British Muslim philanthropist, is releasing his autobiography this April. “Small Change, Big Difference, details the multimillionaire entrepreneur’s journey from growing up in a poor, single-parent...

Adeem Younis, an award-winning British Muslim philanthropist, is releasing his autobiography this April. “Small Change, Big Difference, details the multimillionaire entrepreneur’s journey from growing up in a poor, single-parent family on a West Yorkshire council estate to raising over £100 million in just ten years. Endorsed by one of Britain’s most accomplished investors, James Caan CBE, the gripping autobiography tells the story of the award-winning success of Penny Appeal, an international humanitarian charity with a footprint in 56 countries around the world.


In his book, Adeem takes readers behind the scenes and shares valuable business and marketing insights, documenting the challenges he has overcome in his determination to take small change and use it to transform the world. The book follows Adeem’s unlikely story, from losing his father at just eight years old and growing up poor, to becoming a dotcom millionaire and award-winning philanthropist, dedicated to serving people in need. To achieve this, he founded one of the UK’s leading global charities, through which he delivers aid around the world, and supports people in need across the UK.


By the time Adeem was 40, Penny Appeal the charity he founded had already raised over £100 million in just over ten years for projects implemented across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, as well as a range of domestic projects here in the UK. Penny Appeal provides sustainable solutions to poverty, by organising mass feedings, supporting orphan care, offering water solutions, building schools, and so much more. To date, the charity has received over 100,000 child sponsorships, delivered over 10,000,000 meals, built over 30,000 wells, and provided eye care for nearly 14,000 patients at specialist eye camps. The charity maintains a position to immediately respond to global disasters, and to date has provided emergency relief to over 2.2 million people, providing them with emergency support, short-term relief, and longer-term sustainable interventions.


Meanwhile, in the UK, Penny Appeal supports individuals, families and communities through a comprehensive programme of domestic welfare projects. Responding to crises across the UK, such as the 2015 Cumbria floods, the 2017 Grenfell tragedy, the 2019 Derbyshire floods, and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, Penny Appeal’s UK team provides aid to some of the most vulnerable communities in the country, from all faiths and none. In addition to this, they also put on a busy calendar of community food provisions and hospital visits, run an expert Domestic Abuse helpline, and provide winter care packages for homeless people. All the while striving to bring communities together to promote cohesion at every step.


Each of Penny Appeal’s projects are tailor-made, designed to provide appropriate support to people in need, with all of this costing donors just a little bit of loose change. In Small Change, Big Difference, Adeem lets us in on the secret of how he does it.


Adeem says: More than a charity, Penny Appeal has become a global movement, founded in the heart of Yorkshire and reaching millions around the world. Many have seen our incredible accomplishments but I wanted this book to highlight the hidden struggles away from the limelight and obstacles that few people see.”


‘Small Change Big Difference’ is available for pre-order from Amazon now at: and will be released on 14th April to coincide with the first day of Ramadan.

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