Muslim Charity reveals the areas in the UK with the most generous Muslim donors

Whilst Muslims across the UK are known for their generosity, recent data has revealed the 10 regions where Muslims have the highest average charity donations. Researchers at Charity Right,...

Whilst Muslims across the UK are known for their generosity, recent data has revealed the 10 regions where Muslims have the highest average charity donations.

Researchers at Charity Right, a food aid charity that provides school meals to children in need around the world to help break the cycle of poverty, analysed average donations over the past year to see which UK Muslim communities donated the most to fight hunger.

The analysis found that those living in Kingston upon Thames gave the highest donations, with an impressive average donation of £1,058.75 from its Muslim residents.

This was followed by Stafford in second place, where donors on average donated £1,000 and Middlesborough where donors donated on average £354.

Top 10 UK Areas with Highest Average Muslim Donations to Charity Right (2023-2024):



Average donation


Kingston upon Thames


















Tunbridge Wells











“The Muslim community is truly inspiring,” says Asim Lone, CEO of Charity Right “We understand that times are difficult for many in the UK, so it’s amazing to see so many people still giving what they can to help those in need.”

“These contributions will provide nutritious school meals to children facing hunger around the world.” Lone continues “These meals are more than just sustenance, they’re a crucial step in breaking the cycle of poverty.

“By providing nutritious school meals, children can focus on learning in school instead of hunger. This empowers them to get an education which helps break the chains of poverty for future generations. We are incredible grateful for the compassion and generosity of all our donors who are helping us create a brighter future for children around the world.”

Help Charity Right continue their vital work by donating and enabling them to provide even more children with the nourishment they need to thrive. Visit to donate. 


To determine the average donation amount for each region, we divided the total donations received from that area by the total number of individual donations made by residents in that area between 2023-2024.

It’s important to note that some donations may represent contributions made on behalf of multiple people.

About Charity Right:

Charity Right, established in 2016, has delivered almost 60 million meals around the world (Somalia, Greece, Yemen, Pakistan, Sudan, Palestine, Turkey, Ethiopia, Malawi, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) Their primary focus is on providing nutritious meals to children and communities in need, aiming to break the cycle of poverty. They believe that consistent access to food is fundamental not only for survival but also for children’s development, education, and overall well-being. By ensuring basic nutritional needs are met, Charity Right empowers individuals and families to reach their full potential and build a brighter future.

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