Latest in: Interviews

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    HMC Vs HFA

    It seems that Halal is a hot topic on a national news level, which has confused many on what criteria is required for food to be deemed Halal and furthermore what the difference between HMC and...
    2013-07-18 13919 0
  • Featured

    Shrinidhi Child Genius 2013

    Research by Aneesa Malik As Britain celebrates the astonishing intelligence of young Shrindhi it is important to remember the hard work and sheer dedication she and her family have put into her intellect, for her to...
    2013-07-18 2315 0
  • Featured

    Hard Kaur Rapped her way into Bollywood

    Birmingham born Indian Rapper from Handsworth Hard Kaur spends most her time soaking up the sun and stardom in Bollywood, where she has a permanent home now. It seems the mass Indian crowd agreed with Hard...
    2013-07-18 2330 0
  • Business

    Security success with Sukhi Ghuman

    A Q&A with CEO of Octavian By Emb Hashmi Asian World caught up with the super successful security expert, philanthropist and multi-award winner CEO Sukhi Ghuman, told us about the great work achieved by Octavian to...
    2013-05-23 3196 0
  • Featured

    Dj Nihal on the ICC champions cup

    By Emb Hashmi The ICC champion’s cup 2013 Sri Lankan ambassador super star BBC Radio 1 DJ Nihal is elated to be part of such an exciting tournament and very patriotic towards his cultural home Sri...
    2013-03-07 2621 0
  • Interviews

    Usman Rehman – from sleeping rough to stardom..

    By Emb Hashmi Asian World caught up with the homeless man turned singer Usman Rehman. We asked him about his youth work, his dyslexia, and his road to super stardom. Who is Usman Rehman some may...
    2013-03-07 3065 0
  • Featured

    First Hindu Female Priest

    By Emb Hashmi Following in the steps of her father and grandfather, Chanda Vyas has become a Hindu Priest and in doing so the first female Hindu Priest in Great Britain. During the day Chanda works...
    2013-03-07 2992 0
  • Interviews

    Zesh Rehman – Passion for Football

    By Emb Hashmi Zesh Rehman has played a pivotal role in introducing the south Asian talent to the ‘real’ world of football, however the road to success was not without its penalties, thankfully his strong believe...
    2013-02-12 2407 0
  • Interviews

    ‘Wasif Elai Immortal Sayyed’ A rapping revolution

    By Emb Hashmi ‘Elai Immortal’ is from not one but two multicultural UK cities Birmingham and London. His hip-hop group is called ‘HLI’ who have recently released their debut project called ‘Omniglyph.’ Elai is a creative...
    2013-02-12 2738 0
  • Interviews

    Just the beginning for Singer Nafees

    By Emb Hashmi Asian World exclusively caught up with the up and coming talented musical artist Nafees he told us about his humble beginnings following his passion for music and playing to large audiences. Please tell...
    2013-02-12 5308 0
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