Transformational reform begins for children and young people with SEND
Children and young people across England with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or in alternative provision (AP) will get high-quality, early support wherever they live in the country. The SEND and AP Improvement Plan published...2023-03-02 1906 0 -
A woman dies every two minutes due to pregnancy or childbirth: UN agencies
(C)UNICEF/UN0541828/SatuJahan, 18, gave birth to her first baby with the support of a UNICEF primary healthcare centre in the Rohingya refugee camps. Every two minutes, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth, according to the...2023-02-27 1418 0 -
Government backs new scheme to improve people’s health in Wolverhampton
A new app which will offer incentives such as vouchers for shops, gym discounts and cinema tickets for people who eat healthily and exercise more has been launched in Wolverhampton. The government-backed trial – the first...2023-02-17 1293 0 -
Addiction crackdown sees huge rise in prisoners getting clean
New Incentivised Substance Free Living Units are now up and running in 45 prisons across England and Wales – getting addicts off illicit drugs and reducing their reliance on synthetic opiates like methadone. Figures show around...2023-02-11 1008 0 -
New strategy to boost NHS access to innovative medical technology
New strategy to boost NHS access to innovative medical technology Patients across the UK are set to benefit from access to safe, effective and innovative equipment and medical devices as part of the first ever medical...2023-02-03 795 0 -
£1 million fund for fresh ideas to boost health at work
A £1 million fund for new ideas to boost health and welfare at work for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the self-employed was launched today. Successful bidders will receive up to £100,000 to back their...2023-01-30 1193 0 -
Mental health services boosted by £150 million government funding
Anyone experiencing a mental health emergency will benefit from more tailored emergency care and support in the community through specialised mental health ambulances, more crisis services and improved health-based places of safety. A £150 million investment...2023-01-26 830 0 -
UK landmark genomic partnership with Thailand to unite against health threats
UK patients will benefit from a new partnership with Thailand to share expertise of genome sequencing, collaborate in research, education and training opportunities, knowledge exchange and genomics data handling. On Thursday 19 January the memorandum of...2023-01-24 905 0 -
Rishi Sunak may think his use of private healthcare is not ‘relevant’ – but public disagree.
Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and as such, he is a high-profile public figure. The use of private healthcare by politicians is a topic that has been the subject of much debate...2023-01-14 1626 0 -
Up to £250 million to speed up hospital discharge
Thousands of extra medically fit patients will be discharged from hospitals into community care settings, such as care homes, over the coming weeks to free up hospital beds and reduce pressure on the NHS, the Health...2023-01-14 1147 0