
  • Featured

    Moazzam Beg finally cleared

    Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Moazzam Beg was finally cleared of seven terror counts at the Old Bailey in Birmingham. The 45 year old was accused of attending a terrorist training camp in Syria as well as...
    2014-11-13 2465 0
  • Featured

    A Night with Meera Syal

    The Birmingham Rep Library Theatre held host to a comedic legend, author and actress Meera Syal, where Sathnam Sanghera held a conversational interview in front of a live audience. A combination of their brilliance and comedic...
    2014-11-13 2485 0
  • Featured

    YouTube star releases ‘Anti-extremism’ film

    A YouTube video which aims to highlight the dangers of radicalisation has been launched in the East Midlands. ‘Think for Yourself’ is a 15-minute film created by actor and comedian Humza Arshad, who already has tens...
    2014-11-13 2352 0
  • Featured

    Green Lane Masjid broken into

    A Mosque in Small Heath, by the name of ‘Green Lane’ was broken into during an attempted midnight robbery. The culprit who was eventually caught by Head Imam, Qari Zakaullah Saleem, ran off before he could...
    2014-11-13 2584 0
  • Featured

    Rapist pensioner jailed for 15 years

    A deaf and mute Pakistani girl that was trafficked into the country at the age of nine has won £100,000 in compensation after she was kept as a slave and abused both physically and mentally. The...
    2014-11-13 2635 0
  • Featured

    Pakistan: Framing a New Policy

    In his latest visit (13 February 2014) to Turkey to discuss the ‘future, of Afghanistan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, focused on the ways and means of establishing more constructive engagement with Afghanistan rather than ‘dominating’...
    2014-11-13 2273 0
  • Featured

    New shape of Yemen, would it be?

    The crisis Yemenis face is a very tremendous change in history at all levels. Nobody can believe what happened? But believe it or not, this is Yemen, many people put it nowadays. The plea reached out,...
    2014-11-13 2343 0
  • Featured

    Epidemics of slaughter plaguing the streets of Kobane- Isis the vortex of death

    War continues to prevail between the ISIS jihadists and Kurdish forces in the devilishly haunting Syrian City of Kobane. Hundreds of innocent people are being beheaded while their mutilated corpses litter the streets of Kobane, a...
    2014-11-13 2648 0
  • Featured

    Scientist believe in life after death

    In a four year study, researching more than 2,000 patients who have suffered cardiac arrests, scientists discovered that consciousness many continue after death. The extensive study was conducted at the University of Southampton, with research spanning...
    2014-11-13 2504 0
  • Featured

    Will India see the light at the end of the tunnel?

    A tear trickles down the faces of the poorest people as they feel helpless about their existence in the world’s poorest country. While passing by poor people living in literally, temporary box type shelters on the...
    2014-11-13 3017 0
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