Ladywood residents gathered to attend the first of a set of monthly events designed to help improve people’s wellbeing at the Ladywood Health and Community Centre, yesterday.
As well as wellbeing support, staff were available to answer questions on repairs, housing allocations, the regeneration and more. Advice and support with repairs and housing, welfare rights as rising energy costs was also available.
The free event was organised in partnership with the mental health charity Birmingham Mind, in response to requests from residents to help them deal with the effects of the proposed Ladywood regeneration scheme.
Free SIM cards were also be made available for eligible households and people had an opportunity to find out more about free maths tuition available through the Multiply project.
Councillor Francis, cabinet member of Housing and Homelessness, said:
“We are in a period of negotiation with our preferred developer, which I know is causing uncertainty and frustration for residents. I genuinely do understand and empathise with people affected, as it is hard for people to understand how the scheme is going to affect them until these negotiations conclude.
“But we need to take our time to ensure that the scheme delivers for residents and the city. This is a long term project that will significantly improve the living conditions and quality of life for all residents of Ladywood. We need to get this right.
“Once we have an agreement with our preferred developer, we can then start the process of co-creating a masterplan with the community, and this will provide residents with greater clarity on how they will be affected. Until then, these wellbeing events will help provide support to people who need it.
“We know the Ladywood community has a lot of questions. People will be able to bring these questions to these sessions, as well as to the regular drop-in sessions we hold on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
Ladywood’s greatest strength is its community. We will work hard to rebuild trust with that community and to make the most of this exciting opportunity to revitalise an area that was primarily built in the 1960s. The homes built will be warm, safe, and sustainable and will bring much-needed new homes to the city. The regeneration will also bring new public open spaces, including play areas and parks, as well as new community facilities, jobs and training opportunities. Once completed, this scheme will significantly improve the living conditions and quality of life for all residents of Ladywood.”