Epidemics of slaughter plaguing the streets of Kobane- Isis the vortex of death

By Arifa Aali

Isis2War continues to prevail between the ISIS jihadists and Kurdish forces in the devilishly haunting Syrian City of Kobane. Hundreds of innocent people are being beheaded while their mutilated corpses litter the streets of Kobane, a Syrian border town considered a potential catchment basin for the terrorist group the Islamic State.
Kurdish troops continue to fight against the pulse of madness that is the ISIS Jihadists with the support of the US airstrikes despite being heavily outgunned.
In the exclusive report, the Daily Mail cites the testimony of multiple witnesses, now grief-stricken Kurdish refugees who managed to escape the vortex of death.
Father-of-four Amin Fajar, 38, said: “I have seen tens, maybe hundreds, of bodies with their heads cut off. Others with just their hands or legs missing. I have seen faces with their eyes or tongues cut out – I can never forget it for as long as I live. They put the heads on display to scare us all.”

Others told stories of those who were decapitated in their presence, or where friends and relatives caught in the attack. One 13-year-old boy Greenhill refers to as “Dillyar” told the Daily Mail his 20-year-old cousin was beheaded in front of him. Another witness alleged that his neighbour, a Muslim, “was beheaded because they said he was ‘delivering vegetables to the kaffir.'”

We are witnessing the dawn of a cold war, which is being unfairly fought for the sake of religion. But as we peer closely, we see religion is simply an excuse. Wars always come back to the quest of power with competing interests, and if we perceptively deepen our knowledge, we notice things are no different here.

It is absolute absurdity to entertain the pain-riddled concept of Islamic Jihadist fighting in the cause of God, of which thousands of innocents are being killed. On the general scope of things, religion it seems serves an important function between the vast desert of convoluted lies and the bitter truth in justifying war. These campaigns are inspired by religious hatred more than anything and so ISIS’s using religion as grounds for promoting justice couldn’t be father from the truth. In plain hindsight it has absolutely nothing to do with Religion and God, and it breaks my heart to see the Muslim world being punished for someone else’s crimes.

It is important to realise that any war intended to serve interest groups, whose collective purpose is to achieve discord and diminish peace through imposing its laws on all nations and extending its power across the planet, is an extreme violation of Islamic Law.

Many claim that the bridge between the heavens and earth is made accessible through martyrdom. But according to Christian scholar Ira 6. Zepp, Jr. in his book entitled A Muslim Primer on pages 133-135. We adapt from his answer the following: The essential meaning of Jihad is the spiritual, psychological, and physical effort we exert to be close to God and thus achieve a just and harmonious society. Jihad literally means “striving” or “struggle” and is shorthand for Jihad fi Sabeel Allah (struggle for God’s cause). In a sense, every Muslim is a Mujahid, one who strives for God and justice.

This definition chronically demonstrates the ‘opposite’ of the blood-curdling events unfolding in the streets of Kobane. Equally, it is gut-wrenchingly painful to imagine that the ISIS group infiltrate mass murder for the intention to serve God. What they are serving is death, and in big numbers. And let me make one thing clear here- these struggles have no connection to God or Religion.

Personally, it is massacre motivated more by psychopathology than by politics, and any murder politically inspired or otherwise is far from any kind of justice God speaks of.

Bottom line, the ISIS group are a vortex of death that will shed innocent blood to even revenge.

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