Jag Singh’s Inspirational Speeches

Dear Asian World News Readers we are so proud to announce that this month we are privileged to have a new inspirational member join our elite team, Jag Singh...

Dear Asian World News Readers we are so proud to announce that this month we are privileged to have a new inspirational member join our elite team, Jag Singh from London/Essex. Jag is an inspirational speaker, writer and he is constantly campaigning for Anti-Bullying, Mental Health and many other areas that effect the well-being of our communities. Jag has supported the NSPCC (The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) by conducting seminars and workshops campaigning and working in child protection. He has also been supported by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, Sikh Channel, Zee TV and many other organisations. Jag is also an expert in Effective Sales/Business and Team Management.

Now, Jag would like to inspire YOU our amazing AWN readers with this month’s motivational article to get you into gear to achieve your dreams and goals. So, here goes, be inspired and motivated, YOU CAN DO IT!

Control Your Fears

The biggest obstacle that holds people back from achieving their goals and dreams is the fear of failure. They fear that if they try to do something different and it doesn’t work out, it would have all been a waste of time. They fear that everything could go wrong and then they will be ‘finger pointed’ by the naysayers who originally told them that they would not succeed.

If fear is not controlled, it will control you – this means you will live a mediocre life, a life of not taking any chances of not doing something different and not taking any risks. Every individual who has been successful in sports, business, talent or any form of service has had to at one time face their fears of failure; they simply quietened the voice within and gave it their best shot. So can you!

Not everything you attempt in your life is going to be a success, such is life, but attempting to make it happen is the key, giving it your best is what counts, followed by a strong flow of persistence. Don’t allow people to plant the seeds of fear in your head, and more importantly don’t plant them yourself – don’t become your own worst enemy. Control your inner dialogue stating that you will create a feasible and achievable plan then execute it accordingly with passion and desire.

I have faced many of my personal fears since a young age, and at times it was hard and tough to do so, but because I did it again and again – it became easier to get out of my comfort zone, face my fears and attempt any challenge that came my way. You can too. Now, fear has no place in my vocabulary and each time it tries to creep into my head it is greeted by my positive mental attitude and simply shown the exit door.

When I hear people say ‘but what happens if try to succeed, but end up a failure’ I smile, and they ask me ‘why are you smiling’, I always reply – ‘How do you know you are going to fail if you never try. And if you don’t succeed, don’t worry, get up and try again, and again.’

Eradicate your fears, never accommodate them, before approaching anything that challenges you, work out a feasible and constructive plan and simply move forward. You don’t want to be in a position in years to come where you sit back and say ‘I should have done that’ and regret ever listening to the negatives in your head and from others. Do it now!

Fear cannot exist within you without your permission. Control your fears and create your destiny.

To hear more motivation and inspirational speeches from Jag, you can reach him at his Twitter account  – @jagsingh_ican

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